Monday, December 8, 2008

Economic Diversity in the Workplace

Are you a manager in an economically diverse workplace? If so, are you sure your management practices and even benefits packages are not reflecting a class-based perspective? I know you are saying to yourself "What do I care?" By creating management strategies that meet the needs of your economically diverse workforce you will discover ways to better manage your employees and increase retention rates.

In planning our next Management Excellence Seminar Series we realized that while consideration of diversity in race, gender, and orientation are being addressed, there is little training for managing employees from generational poverty. The United Way of Chittenden County is incubating a program called "Working Bridges" to put anti-poverty training into practice and we have invited the project director, Beth Kuhn, to speak during our next series.

Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities is a also good resource for further information on this important topic.